Called to Life

 The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Called to Life

Worship Leader: Eugene

Speaker: Dean

Song Leader: Harry

Accompanist: Sharon

Gift of Music: Ken

Technician: Jaimie


 Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements

Call to worship (based on Psalm 130)

Leader: Out of the depths we cry to you.

People: O Lord, hear our cry.

Leader: If you kept a record of sins, who would stand a chance?

People: O Lord, hear our cry.

Leader: But with you there is forgiveness.

All: We wait for you, O Lord. We hope in your word. Blessed be your name.

Gift of Music 


Leader: Lord, our lives are dry bones. We are cruel in our words and indifferent in our actions.

We confess to the Lord . . .

(silent prayer)

Leader: Breathe on us, Lord. Put your Spirit within us and make us alive.

All: We place our hope in you. Amen.

Extinguishing the Candle

Hymn: VT #182 I Sing the Mighty Power of God (also HWB #46)

      VT #377 New Earth, Heavens New (also HWB #299)

Scripture: Gen. 1:1-31,  John 3:1-6

Message: In the Beginning…and Now: Genesis, Trees, and Worldviews

 Hymn of Response VT #790 How Can We Be Silent

Congregational Prayer


Gift of Music

Sending VT #841 As you go out from here


Leader: Put your hope in the Lord.

People: The Lord is unfailing love,

Leader: and with God is full redemption.

People: God will bring us up from our graves.

All: God will redeem us from all our sins.






 Come join us for our annual Easter Breakfast  Apr. 9th  8:30 a.m. to 9:35 a.m. with a menu consisting of fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs, (?egg cheese), sweet breads, coffee and tea.

Please sign up either on a separate sign up sheet on email or the signup sheet at the back of the church.  You should indicate the number of people in your party attending and if you would like to share a food item with the group.  We would suggest a dozen hard boiled eggs, a dozen portions of baking, or a dozen pieces of fruit.  For further clarification, please contact Phyllis, or Jaimie.