True Prayer


 May 7 - True Prayer

Worship Leader: Adrian

Speaker: Gary

Song Leader: Ken

Gift of Music: Phyllis

Technician: Jaimie

Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements


Opening Reading:

Lord our God, you yourself remind us through your holy people that all our religious practices are not worth anything if we use them to bend you our way. God, may we come to you in humility and repentance, ready to encounter you in love and to turn your way. Accept us as your people Through Christ you came not to humiliate the sinner but to disturb the righteous. Welcome us when we are put to shame, and challenge our smugness, that we may truly turn from the darkness, and be open to embrace the light. Amen

Hymns: VT #7Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing

            VT #37Be Still and Know

            VT #549Be Thou My Vision

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:9-14

Sermon -True Prayer

Hymn VT #754 In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified

Congregational Prayer

Work of the Church-A Report on the MCEC Annual Gathering-Maurice and Gary

Hymn: VT #809 Sing a new world into being

Offering Prayer

Gift of Music -Phyllis 

Hymn VT #816 Guide My Feet
