Grafted Into Jewish Roots

Jews and Gentiles Encounter One Another: 

Grafted Into Jewish Roots

Worship Leader: Talina

Speaker: Gary

Song Leader: Susan

Gift of Music: Maurice

Technician: Eugene

Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements

Land Acknowledgement: 

As we talk about the coming together of different cultures and backgrounds this morning, we acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Chonnonton peoples. As we enter into this time of worship, may we repent of the ways in which we, our ancestors, and our faith community have harmed our Indigenous siblings, and we commit ourselves to finding ways to support healing for them. 

Gift of Music: Maurice Martin

Call to Worship: VT 862

Hymn:    VT #584 Jesus be the Center

              VT #809 Sing a New World Into Being

Witness for Peace Reading: VT 785

Hymns: VT #804 There is more Love Somewhere

Scripture Reading: Romans 11:13-18.

 Message:  Jews and Gentiles Encounter One Another: Grafted Into Jewish Roots  

Hymn of Response: VT #828 There's a Wild Hope in the Wind

Congregational Prayer

Prayer for the Offering: VT #1015

Gift of Music:  Maurice

Sending Hymn: VT #841 As You Go out From Here  

Benediction: VT #1062