

Worship Leader: Maurice

Speaker: Doug

Song Leader: Harry

Gift of Music: Elizabeth

Scripture Readers: Phyllis, Sarah

Sound Technician: Jaimie Shantz

Welcome and Announcements 

Advent Hymn VT#225  We Come  [Kim Thiessen CD]

Call to Worship

Leader: God sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman in Nazareth named Mary. He said to her, “Greetings,Favoured one! God is with you.”

High Voices: But Mary was perplexed by Gabriel’s words,

Low Voices:  and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.

Leader: The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, for you have found favour with God.”

People: What will God do next?


All: Together we wonder.

A story – from Acts of Generosity

Opening Prayer VT#994  in unison

Hymns: VT#36   Let Us Build a House

             VT#216 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

                                        II Samuel 7:1-11,16

 Offering/Gift of Music

Hymn: VT#215  Oh, How Shall I Receive Thee

New Testament Reading: Luke 1:26-38

Message:  Me?

The people respond:

                  VT#213  Poor of the Earth

                   Written responses: Write down “a way you have shown or

                    Been shown love in an extraordinary way” How did this

                    Make you feel?  [bring your papers to manger]

Prayer of the Congregation  VT#996

Sending Hymn: VT#596 Don’t Be Afraid

Benediction: Romans16:25-27

Leader: Together we ponder,

Candle Lighter: We’re so ordinary. Will God really work through us?

Leader:             Do not be afraid! Nothing is impossible with God.

                        Go, for the mighty one has done extraordinary things,

                        And Holy is God’s name! So now, go in peace.